Wednesday, August 03, 2005


What??!?!?! Three blogs in less than 2 hours?

Yes, I know. However, I have a bad history of starting things and not finishing them, or going on to other things. If you want a good example, search "Dustin Freeman" in Google. Anyway, I want to lay out some goals for this blog, without sounding too proffessional.

I want to write (different pieces) that are:

- emotional or deep
- informative and researched (what, like a newspaper article?)
- on the state of improv, my research, or what I'm doing
- opinion pieces.
- comedy/fictional pieces

That's all the genres I can think of that are important right now. I will add some later maybe.

I'm going to set a goal of writing something at least once a month. That's very little, considering my rate from the last two hours, but I want to set a goal that won't be broken.

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